243 – Vetri dei Cesari, exh. Cat. The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning – The British Museum, London – Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne. 1988, Milan (dir. With H. Hellenkemper, K. Painter, D. Whitehouse).
242 – Glas der Caesaren, exh. Cat. The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning – The British Museum, London – Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne. 1988, Milan (dir. With H. Hellenkemper, K. Painter, D. Whitehouse).
241 – Glass of the Caesars, exh. Cat. The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning – The British Museum, London – Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne. 1987, Milan (dir. With H. Hellenkemper, K. Painter, D. Whitehouse).
240 – « Core-formed Glasses of the Alexandrians » in Alessandria e il Mondo Ellenistico-Romano : Studi in onore di Achille Adriani. Studi e materiali, Istituto di Archeologia Università di Palermo, 5, Rome, 1984, p. 404
239 – « Study and Research on Ancient Glass: Past and Future », JGS, 26, 1984, p. 9-24.
238 – « New Light on the History and Technique of the Portland and Auldjo Cameo Vessels », in JGS, 25, 1983, p. 45-54.
237 – « Glass », in P.J. Drury, N.P. Wickenden, « An early Saxon Settlement within the Romano-British small Town at Heybridge, Essex », Medieval Archaeology, 26, 1982, p. 28-29.
236 – « Fragment of a Roman mould-blown glass cup of mid-first century AD, Exhibits at Ballots », Antiquity Journal, 62, 1982, p. 367.
235 – « Dorothy Charlesworth, 1928-1981 », JGS, 24, 1982, p. 119-120.
234 – « New Light on Mold-blown Glass Sports Cups of the First Century A.D. bearing both Chariot Races in Bigae and Gladiatorial Combats », in JGS, 24, 1982, p. 30-43.
233 – Review: J. D. Cooney, « Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, 4, Glass », in Journal Egyptian Archaeology, 1981, p. 67.
232 – « Glass Beaker from the A604 road, near Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire, in D.B. Harden, A. Taylor, « A Saxon Glass Beaker from Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 71, 1981, p. 89-93.
231 – Catalogue of Greek and Roman Glass in the British Museum, I. Core- and Rod-formed Vessels and Pendants and Mycenaean Cast Objects, B.M. Publications, Ltd, London, 1981 (with a chapter by V.A. Tatton-Brown).
230 – « A Hellenistic footed Glass Bowl of Alexandrian Workmanship », in N. Hutton (ed.), « Four Hellenistic Vessels », Museums News, The Toledo Museum of Art, 22.2, 1980, p. 17-25.
229 – « Glass », in D.M. Jones, M. Rhodes, Excavations at billingsgate Buildings ‘Triangle’, Lower Thames Street, 1974, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special paper N°4, 1980, p. 86-88.
228 – « Early Medieval Glass », in Bulletin de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 8, Liège, 1977/1980, p. 53-64.
227 – « Section I: Pre-Roman Glass », Bulletin de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 8, Liège, 1977/1980, p. 19-34.
226 – « Glass and Glazes, in History of Technology II, Oxford, 1979, p. 311-450.
225 – « Glass Vessels » in G. Clarke, « The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills » in M. Biddle (ed.), Pre-Roman and Roman Winchester, 2, Winchester Studies 3, 1979.
224 – « The Glass », Journal of the Northampton Museums and Art Gallery, 13, 1979, p. 152-153.
223- « Ancient Glass from the Constable-Maxwell Collection », Art at Auction, The Year at Sotheby Park Bernet, 1978-1979, p. 285-295.
222 – « Anglo-Saxon and Late Medieval Glass in Britain, some recent Developments », Medieval Archaeology, 22, p. 1-24.
221 – « Glass » in A.C.C. Brodribb, A.R. Hand, D.R. Walter, Excavations at Shakenoak Farm, near Wilcote, Oxfordshire Part 5 (privately print), 1978, p. 88-94 and Glazes
220- « Glass » in P.L. Shinnie, M. Shinnie, Debeira West. A Medieval Nubian Town, Warminster, 1978, p. 83-94.
219- « A Late Roman Grave-Group From the Minories, Aldgate », in Collectanea Londoniensia: Studies in London Archaeology and History Presented to Ralph Merrifield, Eds. J. Bird, H. Chapman and J. Clark, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, special paper no. 2, London, 1978, p. 163-176 (en collaboration avec Green).
218 – « Roman and Frankish Glass from France in the British Museum », in Actes du Colloque International d’Archéologie Centenaire de l’Abbé Cochet, Rouen, 1978, p. 301-312.
217 – « Window Glass from the Romano-British Bath-house at Garden Hill, Hartfield, Sussex », in Antiquaries Journal, 54, 1974, p. 280-281.
216 – Review: Honor Frost, « Mortar Wreck in Mellieha Bay », in Antiquaries Journal, 53, 1973, p. 88-89.
215 – Review: « Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley’s Gifts to the Ashmolean Museum, 1912-1966 », in Antiquaries Journal, 53, 1973, p. 109.
214 – « A Julio-Claudian Glass Phalera », in Antiquaries Journal, 52, 1972, p. 350-353.
213 – « Ancient Glass, Part III: Post Roman », in Archaeological Journal, 128, 1972, p. 78-117.
212 – « Two Core-built Glasses of the Classical Period », in Art Bulletin of Victoria, 1972, p. 13-16.
211- « Glass », in Excavations at Shakenoak Farm, Part III, A. C. C. Brodribb, et al, privately printed, 1972, p. 67-69.
210 – « Glass », in A. Fox and W. Ravenhill « The Roman Fort at Nanstallon, Cornwall, », in Britannia, 3, 1972, p. 106-108.
209 – « Glass », in C. F. Tebbutt, G.T. Rudd, S. Moorhouse, « Excavations of a Moated Site at Ellington Hunts », in Proceedings of the Cambridgeshire Antiquarian Society, 63, 1971, p. 72.
208 – « Glass », in Excavations at Fishbourne, 1961-1969, London, Society of Antiquaries, 2, 1971, p. 317-368 (en collaboration avec J. Price).
207 – « Glass », A. C. C. Brodribb, A.R. Hands, D.R. Walker, Excavations at Shakenoak Farm, Part II, (privately printed), 1971, p. 98-108.
206 – « The Glass », in B. Cunliffe, Excavations at Fishbourne 1961-1969, II: The Finds, Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, 27, 1971, p. 317-368 (with J.Price).
205 – The Phoenicians. Revised edition. London, 1971.
204 – Review: M. Calvi, « I vetro Romani de museo de Aquileia », in Antiquity, 45, 1971, p. 307-308.
203 – « Ancient Glass, Part II: Roman », in Archaeological Journal, 126, 1970, p. 44-77.
202 – « Beads », in C. M. Daniels, « Garamantes of the Fezzan, », in Antiquaries Journal, 50, 1970, p. 64-65.
201 – « Glass », in B. Hobley and M. W. Cambert, « Excavations at the Cathedral and Benedictine Priory of St. Mary, Coventry », in Transactions of the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society, 84, 1970, p. 121.
200 – « Glass », in A. A. Round, « Excavations at Wall, Staffordshire, 1966-1967 », in Transactions of the South Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 11, 1970, p. 27.
199 – Glass in London. London Museum Exhibition Catalogue, 1970.
198 – « Ancient Glass, Part I: Pre-Roman », in Archaeological Journal, 125, 1969, p. 46-72.
197 – « A Set of Game-Pieces and Dice of the Late 1st Century, B.C. », in Annales du 4e Congrès des Journées Internationales du Verre, Ravenna 1967. Liège, 1969, p. 52-54.
196 – « Glass », in P. J. Tester, « Excavations at Fordcroft, Orpington, concluding report », in Archaeologia Cantiana, 84, 1969, p. 71.
195 – « Glass », in B. Hobley, A. Neronian, « Vespasianic Military Site at the Lunt Baginton, Warwickshire », in Transactions of the Birmingham Archaeological Society, 83, 1969, p. 111-114.
194 – « Roman Glass from Fishbourne, Sussex », in Antiquaries Journal, 49, 1969, p. 393.
193 – « Medieval Glass in the West », in Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Glass, Sheffield, 1968 (1969).
192 – « Some Aspects of Pre-Roman Mosaic Glass », in Annales du 4e Congrès des Journées Internationales du Verre, Ravenna 1967. Liège, 1969, p. 13-20.
191 – « Glass », in G. D. Liversage, « Excavations at Dalkley Island, Co. Dublin, 1956-1959 », in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 66, C2, 1968, p. 193-194.
190 – « The Glass », in A. C. C. Brodribb, A.R. Hands, D.R. Walker, Excavations at Shakenoak Farm, near Wilcote, Oxfordshire, Part I, (privately printed), 1968, p. 74-81.
189 – « Glass », in A. Richmond, Hod Hill 2, Excavations carried out between 1951 and 1958 for the Trustees of the British Museum, British Museum, 1968.
188 – « Glass », in L. P. Wenham, The Romano-British Cemetery at Trentholme Drive York, London, 1968, p. 92-100.
187 – « Glass », in R. Hanworth, « The Roman Villa at Rapsley Ewhurst », in Surrey Archaeological Collections, 65, 1968, p. 64-69.
186 – « Late Roman Wheel-inscribed Glasses with Double-line Letters », in Kölner Jahrbuch, 9, 1968, p. 43-54.
184 – Masterpieces of Glass, British Museum, 1968 (Part autor).
183 – « Roman Glass from Huntingdon and Rapsley, Surrey. A Roman Glass from a Cremation Group at Braughing, Hertfordshire », in Antiquaries Journal, 48, 1968, p. 308-309.
182 – « The Canosa Group of Hellenistic Glasses in the British Museum », in Journal of Glass Studies, 10, 1968, p. 21-47.
181 – « Forword », in G. H. Kenyon, The Glass Industry of the Weald, 1967, Leicester.
180 – « Gaming Pieces », in I. M. Stead, « A la Tène Burial at Welwyn Garden City, », in Archaeologia, 101, 1967, p. 14-16.
179 – « The Roman Glass », in J. Gould, « Excavations at Wall, 1964-1966, », in Transactions of the Lichfield and South Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 8, 1967, p. 13-14.
178 – « The Glass Jug », in « Two Flavian Burials from Grange Road, Winchester », M. Biddle, in Antiquaries Journal, 47, 1967, p. 238-240.
177 – Review: C.W. Clairmont, The Glass Vessels. Final Report, IV, part 5. The excavations at Dura-Europos, in The Journal of Glass Studies, 56, 1966, p. 265-266.
176 – « The Glass Fragments », in F. K. Annable and A. J. Clark, « A Late 1st Century Well at Cunetio », in Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine, 61, 1966, p. 23.
175 – « Glass », in E. N. Masson Phillips, « Excavation of a Romano-British Site at Stoke Gabriel, Devon, », in Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society, 23, 1966, p. 23-24.
174 – « Glass », in « Knaresborough Castle », H. E. J. le Patourel in Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, p. 164, 1966, p.607.
173 – « Glass », in C. Lemmon and J. Darrell Hill, « The Romano-British Site at Bodiam, », in Sussex Archaeological Collections, 1966, p. 104.
172 – « Some Fragments Mainly of the 12th-13th Century A.D., from Northern Apulia », in Journal of Glass Studies, 8, 1966, p. 70-79.
171 – « Some Tomb Groups of Late Roman Date in the Amman Museum », in Annales du 3e Congrès des Journées Internationales du Verre, Damas 1964. Liège, 1966.
170 – « Vetro (vitrum) » in Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica Classica e Orientale. Rome, 7, 1966, p. 1150-1157.
169 – « Glass », in J. W. Moore, « An Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Wykeham, North Yorkshire », in Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 63, 1965, p. 410, 433.
168 – « Glass », in R. R. Inskeep, « Excavations at Ad Pontem Thorpe Parish, Nottinghamshire », R. R. Inskeep, in Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 69, 1965, p. 34-36.
167 – « Glass », in J. Gould, « Excavations in Advance of Road Construction between Shenstone and Wall, », in Transactions of the Lichfield and South Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 6, 1965, p. 15.
166 – « Glass », in E. Greenfield and G. Webster ,« Excavations at High Cross 1955 », in Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society, 40, 1965, p. 32.
165 – « Glass » in P.J. Fowler, A Roman barrow at Knob’sCrook, Woodlands, Dorset and a reconsideration of the evidence for Romans barrows in Wessex, The Antiquity Journal, 45, 1965, p. 38-39.
164 – Review: F. Neuberg, Ancient Glass, in Archaeology, March 1964, p. 68.
163 – « Glass », in J. T. Gould, « Excavations at Wall 1961-1963 », in Transactions of the Lichfield and Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 5, 1964, p. 41.
162 – « Glass », in K. J. Barton, « Star Roman Villa Shipman, Somerset », in Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, 1964, p. 108.
161 – Review: Joan R. Clarke, « The Alfred and Minster Lovell Jewels », in Medieval Archaeology, 6/7, 1964, p. 358.
160 – Review: S. Moscati, « The Face of the Ancient Orient », in Antiquaries Journal, 44, 1964, p. 65.
150- Review: « Ur in Retrospect », (Iraq, 22) Ed. M. E. L. Mallowman. Memorial to Sir C. Leonard Wooley in Antiquaries Journal, 44, 1964, p. 64.
149 – « A Romano-Syrian Inscribed Glass Flask », in British Museum Quarterly, 27, 1963, p. 27-28.
148 – « Glasshouse Farm, St. Leonards, a Small Glass Working Site », in Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club, 37, part 3, 1963, p. 300-315.
147 – « Glass », in L. Alcock. Dinas Powys, Cardiff, 1963, p. 178.
146 – « Glass Objects », in A. G. Hunter, « Excavations at the Bon Marché Site, Gloucester, 1958-1959 », in Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 82, 1963, p. 61.
145 – « The Rothschild Lycurgus Cup: Addenda and Corrigenda », in Journal of Glass Studies, 5, 1963, p. 9-17.
144 – « Glass », in H. Dunscombe Colt (ed.), Excavations at Nessana, Auja Hafir. Palestine, London, 1, 1962, p. 76-91.
143 – « Glass in Roman York » in « Roman York: An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the City of York », in Eburacum, 1962, p. 136-141.
142 – The Phoenicians. Ancient People and Places, London: Thames and Hudson, 1962.
141 – « Domestic Window Glass, Roman, Saxon, and Medieval », in Studies in Building History. Ed. E.M. Jope, 1961, p. 39-63.
140 – « Glass », in E.M. Clifford, Bagendon: A Belgic Oppidum, , 1961, p. 199-202.
139 – Review: S. Marinatos, « Crete and Mycenae », in Antiquaries Journal, 41, 1961, p. 246.
138 – « Glass », in H. N. Savory, « Excavations at Dinas Emrys, Beddgelert », in Archaeologia Cambrensis, 109, 1960, p. 64-65.
137 – « The Wint Hill Hunting Bowl and Related Glasses », in Journal of Glass Studies, 2, 1960, p. 45-81.
136 – Review: C.R. Morey. « The Gold Glass Collection of the Vatican Library, with Additional Catalogues of Other Gold Glass Collections », Guy Ferrari (ed.), in Antiquaries Journal, 40, 1960, p.235.
135 – Review: E. B. Haynes, « Glass through the Ages », revised edition in Antiquaries Journal, 40, 1960, p. 236.
134 – « Glass » in J.R. Calkin, « Some Archaeological Discoveries in the Isle of Purbeck », in Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 81, 1959, p. 122.
133 – « New Light on Roman and Early Medieval Window Glass », in Glastechnische Berichte, 32K, Heft viii, 1959, p. 8-16.
132 – « Roman Glass Vessels », in Research Papers, Surrey Archaeological Society, 5, 1959, p. 97-98.
131 – « The Highdown Hill Glass Goblet with Greek Inscription », in Sussex Archaeological Collections, 97, 1959, p. 3-20.
130 – « The Rothschild Lycurgus Cup », in Archaeologia, 97, 1959, p. 179-212, pls. 59-75 (with Toynbee).
129 – Review: F. Fremersdorf, « Römisches Buntglas in Köln and Das naturfarbene sogenannte blaugrüne Glas in Köln », Germania, 37, 1959, p. 337-339.
128 – « Four Roman Glasses from Hauxton Mill, Cambridge, 1870 », in Proceedings of Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 51, 1958, p. 12-16.
127 – « Glass », in M. R. Hull Roman Colchester, Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquariesof London, 20, 1958, p. 157.
126 – « Glass » in Roman Tombs at Kambi, Vasa, J. Taylor in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1940-1948. Nicosia, 1958, p. 46-60.
125 – « Glassmaking Centres and the Spread of Glassmaking from First to Fourth Century A.D. », in Annales du 1er Congrès des Journées Internationales du Verre. Liège, 1958, Liège 1959, p. 47-62.
124 – « Three Post-Roman Finds from the Temple Well at Pagans Hill, Somerset, in Medieval Archaeology, 21, 1958, p. 104-111 (with P. A. Rahtz, G. C. Dunning, and C. A. R. Radford).
123 – Review: A. Gasparetto, « II vetro di Murano delle origini ad oggi », in Medieval Archaeology, 21, 1958, p. 223-225.
122 – Review: C. Isings, « Roman Glass from Dated Finds », in Antiquaries Journal, 38, 1958, p. 114.
121 – Review: « Glass from the Ancient World: The Ray Winfield Smith Collection », in Antiquaries Journal, 38, 1958, p. 254.
120 – « Notes on two Glasses », in A. Fox, Excavations in Bear St., Exeter, 1953, Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society, 5.1, 1957, p. 36.
119 – « Appendix 1: Four Roman Glasses from Hauxton Mill, Cambridge, 1870 », in J. Liversidge, « Roman Discoveries from Hauxton », Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 51, 1957, p. 12-16, pl.3.
118 – Note: Glaze and Glass in N. Thomas, Excavations at Callow Hill, Glympton and Stonefield, Oxoniensia, 22, 1957, p. 50.
117 – « The Winthill Glass Bowl and Beaker », in Journal of the Axbridge Caving Club and Archaeological Society, 3, No. 2, 1957, p. 11-14.
116 – « The Winthill Somerset Glass Bowl », in Notes and Queries, Somerset and Dorset, 1957, p. 152-155.
115- « Air Photography and Archaeology », in Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Archaeological Society, 66, 1956, p. 22-28.
114 – « Glass and Glazes », in A History of Technology, C. Singer et al, Oxford, 2, 1956, p. 311-346.
113- « The Achievements of Ancient Glass », in Glass Notes, 16, Dec., 1956, p. 14-18.
112 – « Glass Vessels in Britain and Ireland, A.D. 400-1000 », in Dark Age Britain. Studies presented to E. T. Leeds. D. B. Harden (ed.), London, 1956, p. 132-167.
111- « The Glass Found at Tintagel », in D.B. Harden (ed.) in Dark Age Britain, Studies presented to E. T. Leeds. D. B. Harden (ed.), London, 1956, p. 70.
110 – Editor Dark Age Britain, London, 1956.
109 – « Mr. E. T. Leeds », in Nature, 24, Sept., No. 5812, 1955.
108 – « Obituary. E. T. Leeds », in Oxford Magazine, 24, 1955, p. 146-150.
107 – « Appendix I: The Glass » in J. du Plat Taylor, Roman Tombs at’Kambi’, Vasa. Report of Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 1940-1948, 1953, p. 46-60.
106 – Review: G. Faider-Feytmans (ed.), Les Antiquités égyptiennes, grecques, étrusques, romaines et gallo-romaines du Musée de Mariemont (Bruxelles 1952), in The Museum Journal, 55.8, November 1955, p. 218
105 – « The Glass Found at Soba », in Excavations at Soba, P. L. Shinnie. Sudan Antiquities Service Occasional Papers 3, Khartoum, 1955, p. 60-77.
104 – Review: H. Menzel, « Antike Lampen in römisch-germanischen. Zentralmuseum zu Mainz », in Antiquaries Journal, 35, 1955, p. 101.
103 – « A Glass Bowl of Dark Age Date and Some Medieval Grave-finds from Shaftesbury Abbey », in Antiquaries Journal, 34, 1954, p. 188-189.
102 – « Ancient Glass », in Things, Ed. G. Gregson, 1954.
101 – « Glass » in « The Roman Villa, Witcombe, Glos », E. M. Clifford, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society, 73, 1954, p. 29.
100 – « The 1954 Meeting of the British Association in Oxford », in Nature, 173, 1954, p. 1062-1063.
99 – « University Museums and Libraries », in The Oxford Region, Ed. A. F. Martin and R. W. Steel, 1954, p. 187-195 (en collaboration avec J. N. L. Myers).
98 – « Vasa murrina Again », in Journal of Roman Studies, 44, 1954, p. 53.
97 – Review : J. A. E. Nenquin, « La Nécropole de Furfooz », in Antiquaries Journal, 1954, p. 250.
96 – Review: F. Fremersdorf, « Figürlich geschliffene Gläser : eine Kölner Werkstatt des 3. Jahrhunderts », s The Journal Roman Studies, 43, 1955, p. 201-202.
95 – Review: G. Faider-Feytmans (ed.), Les Antiquités égyptiennes, grecques, étrusques, romaines et gallo-romaines du Musée de Mariemont (Bruxelles 1952), in The Journal of Roman Studies, 43, 1953, p. 202-203.
94 – « Glass », in S. Piggott, « Excavations in the Broch and Hill-fort of Torwoodlee (Selkirk) », in Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 85, 1953, p. 112-113.
93 – « Report upon a Piece of Coloured Glass from Durham Castle », in Antiquaries Journal, 33, 1953, p. 64.
92 – « The Centenary of Sir Flinders Petrie », in Museums Journal, 53, 1953, p. 107-110.
91 – Review: « Aspects of Archaeology in Britain and Beyond », Ed. W. F. Grimes. Essays presented to O. G. S. Crawford in Antiquaries Journal, 33, 1953, 96-97.
90 – Editor of « Laboratory Techniques applied to Archaeology », Advancement of Science, sept 1936, 1953, p. 430-436.
89 – « Glass Vessels in V.E. Nash Williams, The Roman Villa at Llantwit Major in Glamorgan, in Archaeologia Cambrensis, 102, 1953, p.151
88 – Review: C. Woodforde, The Stained Glass of New College, Oxford (London 1951), The Museum Journal, 51.11, February 1952, p. 286.
87 – « The Roman Glass from Torwoodlee (Selkirk) », Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 85, 1952, p. 112-113
86 – « An Early Roman Habitation Site at Dorchester, Oxon », in Oxoniensia, 17/18 (1952/1953), 1952, p. 260-261.
85 – « History in Gravel Pits », in Country Life, Feb. 29, 1952, p. 562-564.
84 – « National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland », in Museums Journal, 52, 1952, p. 189-192.
83- « The Ashmolean Museum-Beaumont Street », in Museums Journal, 52, 1952, p. 265-270.
82 – « Glass », in A. Fox, Roman Exeter. Excavations in the War_damaged Areas 1945-1947; History of Exeter Research Group. Monograph 8, Exeter, 1952, p. 93.
81 – Review: F. Fremersdorf, « Figürlich geschliffene Gläser : eine Kölner Werkstatt des 3. Jahr-hunderts », Antiquaries Journal, 32, 1952, p. 84.
80 – Review: H. L. Eggers, « Atlas der Urgeschichte, Band: I Der römische Import in freien Germanien », in The Antiquaries Journal, 32, 1952, p. 217.
79 – Review: K. M. Kenyon, « Beginning in Archaeology », in The Antiquaries Journal, 32, 1952, p. 225.
78 – « Archaeology in Malta », in Archaeological News Letter, 3, No. 7, 1951, p. 105-111.
77 – « Co-ordination and Co-operation in Research », in Council for British Archaeology Annual Report, 151-152, 1951, p. 31-40.
76 – « Glass from Pit 2 », in « Roman Discoveries in Exeter in 1951-1952 », in A. Fox, in Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society, 4, 1951, p. 109-110.
75 – « Saxon Glass from Sussex », in Sussex County Magazine, 25, 1951, p. 260-268.
74 – Review: The Woodchester Glass House (Gloucester 1950) in The Museum Journal, 51.1, April 1950, p. 27
73 – « Sir Arthur Evans Centenary Exhibition, 1951 », Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1951.
72 – « Syrian Glass Blowers in Roman Times », in Circle of Glass Collectors, 1951, No. 97.
71- « The Godstow ‘Foundation Stone,’ » in Oxoniensia, 16, 1951, p. 77-78.
70 – « Glass », in R. Gilyard-Beer, The Romano-Britih Baths at Well. Yorkshire Roman Antiquities Committee, Research Report 1, 1951, p. 59.
69 – « Fragment of a Glass Tray » in P. Corder (ed.), The Roman Town and Villa at Great Casterton, Rutland (Nottingham), 1951, p. 21-22.
68 – Review: F.E. Hutchinson, Medieval Glass at All Souls College (London 1949), The Museum Journal, 50.2, May 1950, p. 43
67 – Review: E.B. Haynes, Glass through the Ages (London 1948), in Antiquity, 24, 1950, p. 218-219.
66 – Review: E. Riefstahl, Glass and Glazes from Ancient Egypt (New York 1948), in Antiquity, 24, 1950, p. 167-168.
65 – « Glass », in E.J.W. Hildyard, W.V. Wade, « Trial excavations at Catterick Bridge », Yorhshire Archaeological Journal, 37, 1950, p. 418, pl. 147.
64 – « Ancient Glass: Carthage, Archaeology », in Chambers Encyclopaedia, 1950.
63 – « Glass Beaker from Colchester Castle », in Antiquaries Journal, 30, 1950, p. 70-72.
62 – « Glass » in H. Walton, « A Collection of Romano-British Pottery, Glass and Objects from Kenchester, », Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club, 33, 1950, p. 190.
61 – « Glass » in « A Roman-British Burial at Glaston, Rutlandshire », in Antiquaries Journal, 20, 1950, p. 72-73.
60 – « Glass », in G. C. Boon, « The Roman Villa in Kingweston Park, Glos, », in Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 49, 1950, p. 51-52.
59 – « Glass Vessels in Anglo-Saxon Britain », in Archaeological News Letter, 3, 1950, p. 21-27.
58 – « Notes on Glass », in F. Jenkins, « Excavations in Burgate Street, Canterbury », in Archaeologia Cantiana, 63, 1950, p. 116-117.
57 – « Glass » in G. Webster, « The legionary fortress at Lincoln », in The Journal of Roman Studies, 39, 1949, p. 77, pl. 10. 4-9.
56 – « Museum Co-operation 4. The Part of the University Museums », in Museums Journal, 49, 1949, p. 185-187.
55 – « Tomb-groups of Glass of Roman Date from Syria and Palestine », in Iraq, 11, 1949, p. 151-159.
54 – « Vasa murrina », in Journal of Roman Studies, 39, 1949, p. 31-37 (en collaboration avec A. I.
53 – Review: E. B. Haynes, « Glass through the Ages », in Journal of Roman Studies, 39, 1949, p. 189.
52 – Review: P. V. C. Baur, « The Excavations at Dura Europos. Final Report IV, Part III, The Lamps », in Antiquaries Journal, 29, 1949, p. 216.
51 – « Phoenicians on the West Coast of Africa », in Antiquity, 87, 1948, p. 141-150.
50 – « Recruitment and Training for the Museums Service », in Museums Journal, 48, 1948, p. 1-5.
49 – « Ancient glass-collectors versus museums », in Glass Notes, 8, 1948, (Arthur Churchill Ltd., London), p. 14-17.
48 – « Various notes on the Glass », in A. Williams, S. Frere, « Canterbury excavations Christmas 1945 and Easter 1946. The Butchery Lane buildings », in Archaeologia Cantiana, 61, 1948, p. 23, 31,33.
47 – « Glass » in H.E. O’Neil, « The Roman Villa at Park Street near St. Albans,Hertfordshire: report on the excavations 1943-1945 », in Archaeological Journal, 102, 1947, p. 68-72.
46 – « Glass », in, C. F. C. Hawkes and M. R. Hull, Camulodunum First Report on the Excavations at Colchester 1930-1939, Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 14, 1947, p. 187-307, pls. 86-88.
45 – « Universities and Museums », in Museums Journal, 47, 1947, p. 141-144.
44 – « Glass », in H.E. O’Neil, « The Roman villa at park Street, near St Albans, Hertfordshire: report on the excavations of 1943-45 », in The Archaeological journal, 102, 1947, p. 68-72
43 – « A Ring Ditch at Long Hanborough », in Oxoniensia, 11/12, 1946, p. 175.
42 – « Part of a Glass Bowl from Ham Hill, Somerset », in Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 92, 1946, p. 93-95.
41 – Review: C.J. Lamm, Oriental Glass of Medieval Date Found in Sweden and the Early History of lustre-painting (Stockholm 1941), Antiquity, 19, 1945, p. 160
40 – « Excavations at Stanton Harcourt, Oxon 1940 », in Oxoniensia, 10, 1945, p. 16-41 (en collaboration avec R. C. Treweeks).
39 – « Two Tomb-Groups of First Century AD from Yahmour, Syria,and the supplement to the list of Romano-Syrian Glasses with mould-blown inscriptions » in Syria, 24, 1944, p. 81-95, pls. 5-9 ; « Romano-Syrian glass: a postscript, p. 291-292.
38 – « Excavations in Smiths Pit II, Cassington, Oxon », in Oxoniensia, 7, 1942, 104-107.
37 – Review: M. Ginsburg, Hunting Scenes on Roman Glasses in the Rhineland (Lincoln, Nebraska 1941), In The Roman journal of Archaeology, 32, 1942, p. 143.
36 – Review: E. Chiera, They Wrote on Clay : The Babylonian Tablets Speak Today, in The Oxford Magazine, May1940.
35 – Review: Sir F. Petrie, The Making of Egypt, in The Oxford Magazine, 8 February 1940.
34 – Review: F. Fremersdorf, Römische Gläser aus Köln (Cologne Leipzig 1939), in The Journal of Roman Studies, 30, 1940, p. 124-125.
33 – Review: P. Fossing, Glass Vessels Before Glass-Blowing (Copenhagen 1940), in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 60, 1940, p. 108-109.
32 – Review: P. Fossing, Glass Vessels Before Glass-Blowing (Copenhagen 1940), in Antiquity, 14, 1940, p. 211-212.
31 – « The Glass », in Sir R. Mond, O.H. Myres, Temples of Armant. A Preliminary Survey. The Egyptian Exploration Society (London), 1940, p. 117-127.
30 – « Roman Mould-blown Glasses », in The Connoisseur, 1061, 1940, p. 102-105.
29 – « Roman Window Panes from Jerash », in Iraq, 6, 1939, p. 91.
28 – « The Romano-British Remains (Roads, Settlements Sites and Industries) », in Victoria County History, Oxford, 1, 1939, p. 271-305.
27 – Review: W. A. Thorpe, « The Prelude to European Cut Glass, » (Transactions of the Society of Glass Technology, 22, 1938), in The Journal of Roman Studies, 29, 1939, p. 133.
26 – Review: C.J. Lamm, Glass from Iran in the National Museum, Stockholm (Stockholm-London), in Antiquity, 12, 1938, p. 127-128.
25 – « Excavations at Chesterton Lane, Alchester, 1937 », in Oxfordshire Archaeological Society Report, 23, 1937.
24 – « Excavations on Grims Dyke, North Oxfordshire », in Oxoniensia, 2, 1937, p. 74-92.
23 – « Glassware in Roman Times », in Catalogue of Old English Glass, Arthur Churchill, Ltd., 1937, p. 7f.
22 – « Small objects » in A.H.A. Hogg, C.E. Sevens, « The defences of Roman Dorchester », Oxoniensia, 2, 1937, p. 64-66.
21 – « Two Fragments of Mould-Blown Glass Beakers from Topsham », in Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society, 3, 1937, p. 18-20.
20 – « Glass », in B.H. O’Neil, « Excavations at Breddin Hill Camp, Montgomeryshire, 1933-35 », in Archaeologia Cambresis, 92, 1937, p. 121.
19 – « Glass », in « The Roman Villa at Ditchley », C. A. R. Radford, in Oxoniensia, 1, 1936, p. 62-66.
18 – « Roman Glass: A Commonplace in Fourth Century Egypt », in The Illustrated London News, June 27, 1936, p. 1159-1161.
17 – « Roman Glass from Karanis », Found by the University of Michigan Archaeological Expedition in Egypt 1924-1929, . University of Michigan Humanistic Series, vol. 41. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1936.
16 – « The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Abingdon, Berkshire », Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1936 (en collaboration avec E.T Leeds).
15 – « Two Romano-British Potters’-Fields near Oxford », in Oxoniensia, 1, 1936, p. 81-102, pls. 16-17.
14 – Review: W. A. Thorpe, « English Glass », in Journal of Roman Studies, 26, 1936, p. 110-111.
13 – « Pottery and Beads from Near Nehavand, N.W. Persia, in the Ashmolean Museum », in Ancient Egypt and the East, Dec. 1935, p. 73-74.
12 – « Romano-Syrian Glasses with Mould-blown Inscriptions », in Journal of Roman Studies, 25, 1935, p. 163-186.
11 – « The Glass of he Greeks and Romans », Greece and Rome, 3, p. 140-149, pls. 6-9.
10 – « Glass from Kish », in Iraq, 1, 1934, p. 131-136.
9 – « Snake-thread Glasses Found in the East », in Journal of Roman Studies, 24, 1934, p. 50-55.
8 – « The Glass of the Greeks and Romans », in Greece and Rome, 3, 1934, 140-149.
7 – « Ancient Glass », in Antiquity, 7, 1933, p. 419-428.
6 – « Notes on Glass Found during the Excavations », BM Excavations at Nineveh, R. Campbell Thompson and M. E. L. Mallowan, in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Liverpool, 20, p. 1933, 184-186.
5 – « Glass unsigned », in J.H. Iliffe, « Excavations at Alchester, 1928 », in Antiquaries’Journal, 12.1, 1932, p. 62.
4 – « Early Byzantine and Later Lamps », in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 17, 1931, pp.196-208 (en collaboration avec G.M. Crowfoot).
3 – Review: M.L. Trowbridge, Philological Studies in Ancien Glass (Urbana 1930), The Journal of Roman Studies, 20, 1930, p. 98-99.
2 – Review: M.L. Trowbridge, Philological Studies in Ancien Glass (Urbana 1930), Classical Review, 44, 1930, p. 154.
1 – « Punic Urns from the Precinct of Tanit at Carthage », in American Journal of Archaeology, 31.3, 1927, p. 297-310.