Publications to December 2006
200- J Price and S Worrell, « Glass ». In Chapter 8: Houghton J, Bird H and Ellis P, Excavations in insulae XXVII and XXVIII, 1972-73, 1982 ». In P Ellis and R White eds., Wroxeter Archaeology – excavations and research on the defences and in the town, 1968-1992. Shrewsbury, Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 2006, 129-138.
199- J Price and S Worrell, « The glass ». In Chapter 6: Hey G and Brown P, The Forum pipe-trench, 1977 ». In P Ellis and R White eds., Wroxeter Archaeology – excavations and research on the defences and in the town, 1968-1992. Shrewsbury, Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 2006, 93-101.
198- J Price and S Worrell, « Glass ». In Chapter 3: Johnson S and Ellis P, Excavations on the Eastern Defences, 1975 & 1976. In P Ellis and R White eds., Wroxeter Archaeology – excavations and research on the defences and in the town, 1968-1992. Shrewsbury, Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 2006, 33-40.
197- J Price, Review of A von Saldern, “Antikes Glas” (2004). American J of Archaeology 110 no 3 [on-line review].
196- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In Millett, M ed., Shiptonthorpe, East Yorkshire: archaeological studies of a Romano-British roadside settlement. Yorkshire Archaeological Report no 5. Leeds, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 2006, 202-205.
195- J Price, « Mould-blown and impressed designs and names on vessels in Spain ». In D Foy and M-D Nenna eds. Corpus des Signatures et Marques sur Verres Antiques. Volume 2. Association Française pour l’Archéologie du Verre, Aix-en-Provence/Lyon, 2006, 283-320.
194- A MacMahon and J Price (editors), Roman Working Lives and Urban Living. Oxford, Oxbow, 2005.
193- J Price, I Freestone and C Cartwright, « ‘All in a day’s work?’ The colourless cylindrical glass cups found at Stonea revisited ». In N Crummy ed., Image, Craft and the Classical World. Essays in honour of Donald Bailey and Catherine Johns, Collection ‘Monographies Instrumentum’ no 29. Montagnac, éditions Monique Mergoil, 2005, 163-169.
192- J Price, « Glass from the fort at Hod Hill in Dorset and other mid first-century hilltop sites with Roman military occupation in southern Britain ». Annales du 16e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (London 2003), 2005, 100-104.
191- J Price, « ‘A glass vessel of peculiar form’: a late Roman mould-blown bottle found with a burial at Milton-next-Sittingbourne in Kent ». In G B Dannell and P V Irving eds., An Archaeological Miscellany: papers in honour of K F Hartley. Journal of Roman Pottery Studies 12, 2005,155-163
190- J Price, « Chapter 10: Glass-working and glassworkers in cities and towns ». In A MacMahon and J Price eds., Roman Working Lives and Urban Living. Oxford, Oxbow, 2005, 167-190.
189- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass in cremations 25 and 26 in the late Iron Age and Romano-British cemetery ». In R Havis and H Brookes, Excavations at Stansted Airport 1986-91 vol I. East Anglian Archaeology Report no 107, 2004, 227-31, 243-5.
188- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In P A Rahtz and L Watts, The North Manor Area and North-West enclosure. Wharram: a study of settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds IX. York university Archaeological Publications, 11, 2004, 232-3.
187- J Price, « Romano-British and early post-Roman glass vessels ». In H Quinnell, Trethurgy: excavations at Trethurgy Round, St Austell; community and status in Roman and post-Roman Cornwall. Cornwall County Council, 2004, 85-92.
186- J Price, « Roman glass in Spain: the western provincial context ». In A. Fuentes ed., Jornadas sobre el Vidrio en la España Romana. La Granja, Fundacion Centro Nacional del Vidrio, 2004, 13-31.
185- S Worrell and J Price, « The glass from Kush, Ra’s al-Khaimah, UAE ». In D Potts, H Al Naboodah, P Hellyer eds., Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Archaeology of the UAE, 2003, London. Trident Press; 247-52.
184- J Price and S Worrell, « Roman, Sasanian and Islamic glass from Kush, Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates: a preliminary survey ». Annales du 15e Congres de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre [New York/Corning 2001], 2003, 153-7.
183- J Price, « Roman vessel glass in Britain; Gladiators on glass in Roman Britain ». Current Archaeology 186 (June 2003), 242-244; 245-246.
182- J Price, « Roman glass ». In N Holmes, M Collard, J A Lawson JA eds., Excavation of Roman sites at Cramond, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Soc of Antiqs of Scotland monograph no 23, 2003, 88-94
181- P R Wilson and J Price (editors), Aspects of Industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North. Oxford, 2002, Oxbow.
180- J Price and S Worrell, « The Roman glass ». In C Sparey-Green, Excavations on the South-East defences and extra-mural settlement of Little Chester, Derby, 1971-2. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 122, 2002, 231-45.
179- H E M Cool, J Price and S Cottam, « Chapter 20. The glass ». In P Wilson, Cataractonium: Roman Catterick and its hinterland. Excavations and Research, 1958-1997, part 2. York, Council for British Archaeology Research Report no 129, 2002, 207-59.
178- H E M Cool and J Price, « Vessel glass, objects and window glass associated with the military occupation ». In G Webster [Chatterton J ed.,] The Legionary fortress at Wroxeter: excavations by Graham Webster, 1955-85. London, English Heritage Archaeological Report no 19, 2002, 225-53.
177- H E M Cool and J Price, « Glass in the Romano-British enclosures and settlement. Glass vessels from the Late Roman burials ». In S M Davies et al., Excavations at Alington Avenue, Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset 1984-87. Dorset Nat Hist and Archaeol. Monograph series no 15, 2002, 91-3, 164-5.
176- J Price, « Note on a bangle. In Wilson, P R, Cataractonium: Roman Catterick and its hinterland. Excavations and Research. 1958-1997, Part 1. ». York, Council for British Archaeology Research Report no 128, 2002, 22-3.
175- J Price, « Glass in Benghazi, Knossos and Mytilene: comparison of finds of the mid-1st century AD ».. In G Kordas ed., 1st International Conference. Hyalos-Vitrum-Glass. History, Technology and Conservation of Glass and Vitreous materials in the Hellenic world. Athens, Glasnet publications, 2002; 123-6.
174- J Price, « Broken Bottles and Quartz Sand: glass production in Yorkshire and the North in the Roman period ». In P. Wilson and J Price eds., Aspects of Industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North. Oxford, Oxbow, 2002, 81-93.
173- J Price, « Two vessels from Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, and Piercebridge, County Durham: a note on Flavian and later polychrome mosaic glass in Britain ». In M Aldhouse-Green and P Webster eds., Artefacts and Archaeology: Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2002, 112-31.
172- J Price and S Cottam « Glass vessels ». Glass beads, finger-rings, pendants. Window glass. In P Leach, J Evans, Fosse Lane, Shepton Mallet 1990. London, Britannia Monograph series no 18, 2001, 170-6, 200-4, 230.
171- J Price, « The Glass ». In S E Sidebotham and H Barnard, Excavations at Wadi Kalalat. Berenike ’98. Leiden, University of Leiden, 2001, 97-99.
172- J Price and S Cottam « Glass vessels ». Glass beads, finger-rings, pendants. Window glass. In P Leach, J Evans, Fosse Lane, Shepton Mallet 1990. London, Britannia Monograph series no 18, 2001, 170-6, 200-4, 230.
173- J Price, « Two vessels from Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, and Piercebridge, County Durham: a note on Flavian and later polychrome mosaic glass in Britain ». In M Aldhouse-Green and P Webster eds., Artefacts and Archaeology: Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2002, 112-31.
170- J Price, S Cottam and S Worrell, « The glass ». In P J Fowler, Landscape plotted and pieced: landscape history and local archaeology in Fyfield and Overton, Wiltshire. London, Society of Antiquaries, 2000, 104-5 +
169- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass beads, glass vessels ». In J C Barrett, P W Freeman, A Woodward, Cadbury Castle, Somerset: the later prehistoric and early historic archaeology. English Heritage Archaeol Report no 20. London, English Heritage, 2000, 188-190, 223-226, 358-363.
168- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass tablewares in use at Mytilene in Lesbos in the early-mid 1st century AD. » Annales du 14e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre [Venezia-Milano 1998]. Lochem, AIHV, 2000, 58-62.
167- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass ». In K Buxton and C Howard-Davis, Bremetenacum: Excavations at Roman Ribchester 1980, 1989-1990. Lancaster Imprints series no 9, 2000. Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, 279-293.
166- J Price and S Cottam, « The vessel glass ». In M R McCarthy, Roman and Medieval Carlisle; the Southern Lanes. Carlisle Archaeology Research Report no 1, 2000, 103-105.
165- J Price (editor), Glass in Britain and Ireland, AD 350-1100. British Museum Occasional Papers no 127, 2000.
164- J Price, « Glass: Roman and post-Roman vessels and window glass ». In P Rahtz, S Hirst, S M Wright, Cannington cemetery. Britannia Monograph series no 17. London, Society for Promotion of Roman Studies, 2000, 303-311.
163- J Price, « Glass objects ». In P A Stamper and R A Croft, Wharram. A study of settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds, VIII. The South Manor area. York University Publications no 10, 2000, 121-124.
162- J Price, « Report on fragments from two glass vessels ». In M Fulford and J Timby, Late Iron Age and Roman Silchester – excavations on the site of forum-basilica 1977, 1980-86. Britannia Monograph series no 15. London, Society for Promotion of Roman Studies, 2000, 319-321.
161- J Price, « Glass vessels, objects, and window glass ». In E Price, Frocester: a Romano-British settlement, its antecedents and successors. Volume 2: the Finds. Stonehouse, Gloucester and District Archaeological Research Group, 2000, 103-122.
160- J Price, « Roman glass vessels in Britain, from AD 350 to 410 and beyond ». In J Price ed, Glass in Britain and Ireland, AD 350-1100. British Museum Occasional Papers no 127. London, British Museum, 2000, 1-31.
159- J Price and S Cottam, « The glass from the 1960s excavations ». In P Bidwell, M Snape, A Croom, Hardnott Roman Fort, Cumbria. Kendal, Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq and Archaeol Soc Research Series no 9, 1999, 106-108.
158- J Price and S Cottam, « Roman glass ». In C J Going and J R Hunn, Excavations at Boxfield Farm, Chells, Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Hertford, Hertfordshire Archaeol Trust Report no 2, 1999, 74-79.
157- H E M Cool and J Price, « Roman glass ». In Colyer, B J J Gilmour, M J Jones, The Archaeology of Lincoln VII-2. The Defences of the Lower City. Excavations at The Park and West Parade 1970-2. York, CBA Research Report no 114, 1999, 138-145.
156- J Price, « The glass bangle fragments ». In P Halkon and M Millett eds., Rural Settlement and Industry: Studies in the Iron Age and Roman Archaeology of Lowland East Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Report no 4. Leeds, Yorkshire Archaeol. Soc., 1999, 129-131.
155- J Price and S Cottam, « Beads, glassworking evidence, glassworking waste, glass window pane». In A. Jones, Excavations at Wall (Staffordshire) by E. Greenfield in 1962 and 1964 (Wall Excavation Report no 15). Transactions of Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society 37, 1998, 22-26.
154- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass vessels, beads, finger-rings, counters, window glass». In P Leach, Great Witcombe Roman Villa, Gloucestershire. A report on excavations by Ernest Greenfield, 1960-1973. Oxford, BAR British Series no 266, 1998; 73-85. 91-93, 105-106.
155- J Price and S Cottam, « Beads, glassworking evidence, glassworking waste, glass window pane». In A. Jones, Excavations at Wall (Staffordshire) by E. Greenfield in 1962 and 1964 (Wall Excavation Report no 15). Transactions of Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society 37, 1998, 22-26
156- J Price, « The glass bangle fragments ». In P Halkon and M Millett eds., Rural Settlement and Industry: Studies in the Iron Age and Roman Archaeology of Lowland East Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Report no 4. Leeds, Yorkshire Archaeol. Soc., 1999, 129-131.
157- H E M Cool and J Price, « Roman glass ». In Colyer, B J J Gilmour, M J Jones, The Archaeology of Lincoln VII-2. The Defences of the Lower City. Excavations at The Park and West Parade 1970-2. York, CBA Research Report no 114, 1999, 138-145.
158- J Price and S Cottam, « Roman glass ». In C J Going and J R Hunn, Excavations at Boxfield Farm, Chells, Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Hertford, Hertfordshire Archaeol Trust Report no 2, 1999, 74-
159- J Price and S Cottam, « The glass from the 1960s excavations ». In P Bidwell, M Snape, A Croom, Hardnott Roman Fort, Cumbria. Kendal, Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq and Archaeol Soc Research Series no 9, 1999, 106-108.
153- J Price and S Cottam, Glass vessels in Roman Britain: a Handbook. Practical Handbook no 14. York, 1998, Council for British Archaeology.
152- Price J and Cool H E M, « Glass vessels. In Scott, K, Mancetter village; a 1st-century fortress, continued ». Trans Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeol Soc 102, 1998, 45-50.
151- H E M Cool and J Price, « The vessels and objects of glass ». In H E M Cool and C Philo eds., Roman Castleford Excavations 1974-85. Volume 1: the Small Finds. Yorkshire Archaeology Monograph 4. Wakefield, West Yorkshire Archaeology Service, 1998, 141-94.
150- J Price,« The Social Context of Glass Production in Roman Britain ». In McCray P ed., The Prehistory and History of Glassmaking Technology. Ceramics and Civilisation Series no. 8. Westerville, Ohio, American Ceramics Society, 1998, 331-348.
149- J Price, « A glass drinking cup with incised decoration from Newton Kyme, North Yorkshire ». In J Bird ed., Form and Fabric. Studies in Rome’s Material Past in honour of B R Hartley. Oxbow Monograph no 80, 1998, 307-12.
148- J Price and S Cottam, « Roman glass ». In L P Wenham and B Heywood, The 1968 to 1970 excavations in the vicus at Malton, North Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Reports 3. Leeds, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1997, 118-131.
147- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass vessels and objects ». In T Wilmott, Birdoswald: excavations of a Roman fort on Hadrian’s Wall and its successor settlements; 1987-92. English Heritage Archaeological Report 14, 1997; 272-6, 283, 341-55.
146- J Price, « The glass ». In T W Potter and A C King, Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato. A Roman and Medieval Settlement in South Etruria. British School at Rome Archaeological Monograph no 11, 1997, 265-286.
145- J Price, « The Roman glass; additional early medieval vessels ». In P Hill, Whithorn and St Ninian. The excavation of a monastic town, 1984-91. The Whithorn Trust; 294-296, 1997, 314-315.
144- A Aberg and J Price, « Archaeology at Leeds from 1960-1990 ». In R Taylor (ed), Beyond the Walls. 50 years of Adult and Continuing Education at the University of Leeds, 1946-1996. University of Leeds, 1996, 225-31.
143- J Price and S Cottam, « The glass ». In D S Neal, Excavations on the Roman villa at Beadlam, North Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Reports, 2. Leeds, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1996, 93-108.
142- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass finds from Fishbourne, 1969-88 ». In B Cunliffe, A Down, D Rudkin, Chichester Excavations, 9: Excavations at Fishbourne, 1969-1988, 1996, 100, 161-88, 225-6.
141- J Price and S Cottam, « The Roman glass ». In G Hughes, The excavation of a late prehistoric and Romano-British settlement at Thornwell Farm, Chepstow, Gwent, 1992. British Archaeological Reports British series 244, 1996, 65-6.
140- J Price, « Fragment of a glass bangle ». In R A Hall and M Whyman, Settlement and monasticism at Ripon, North Yorkshire, from the 7th to 11th centuries AD. Medieval Archaeology 40, 1996, 114-115.
139- J Price, « Rome, ancient, viii. Glass ». In J Turner ed., The Dictionary of Art, vol 27. Macmillan, London; 72-77.
138- J Price, « Glass ». In R Jackson and T Potter, Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire, 1980-85. Britsh Museum Press, 1996; 379-409.
137- J Price, « A ribbed bowl from a late Iron Age burial at Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire ». Annales du 13me Congres de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (Amsterdam, 1995), 1996, 47-54.
136- J Price and S Cottam, « Late Roman glass bowls from Beadlam villa, North Yorkshire ». In B Vyner (ed), Moorland Monuments: studies in the archaeology of north-east Yorkshire in honour of Raymond Hayes and Don Spratt. CBA Research Report no 101, 1995; 235-242.
135- J Price and S Cottam, « Late Roman and post-Roman glass ». In L Alcock et al, Cadbury Castle, Somerset – the early medieval archaeology. Univ of Wales Press, 1995, 99-103
134- W H Manning, J Price, J Webster, « Report on the excavations at Usk 1965-1976. The Roman Small Finds. University of Wales Press, 1995.
133- J Price and H E M Cool, « Roman glass vessels ». In R Rickett, Spong Hill: part vii. The Iron Age, Roman and Early Saxon settlement. East Anglian Archaeology Report no 73, 1995, 87.
132- H E M Cool and J Price, Roman Vessel Glass from Excavations in Colchester, 1971-85. Colchester Archaeological Report 8, 1995.
131- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In P J Casey and B Hoffmann, Excavations at Alstone Cottage, Caerleon, 1970. Britannia 26, 1995, 80-88.
130- J Price, « Glass vessels with wheel-cut, engraved and abraded decoration in Britain in the 4th century AD ». In D Foy ed., Le Verre de l’Antiquité Tardive et du Haut Moyen Age. Typologie-Chronologie-Diffusion. Association Francaise pour l’Archéologie du Verre. Musée Archéologique Departemental du Val d’Oise, Guiry-en-Vexin, 1995, 25-33.
129- J Price, « Chapter 5:11; Roman Glass ». In D Phillips, B Heywood, Excavations at York Minster, Volume I. From Roman fortress to Norman Cathedral. RCHM(E). HMSO, 1995, 346-371.
128- J Price, « The glass, 2. The Canterbury-London group of chariot-race cups ». In K Blockley et alii, Excavations in the Marlowe carpark and surrounding areas. The Archaeology of Canterbury Volume 5, 1994, 1220-27.
127- J Price, « Obituary for Michael Jarrett », in The Guardian 25th November 1994.
126- J Price, « Obituary for Donald Harden », in The Guardian 8th June 1994 and British Archaeological News no. 14, June 1994.
125- J Price and S Cottam, « The Roman glass ». In P Ellis, J Evans, H Hannaford, G Hughes, A Jones, Excavations in the Wroxeter hinterland 1988-1990: the archaeology of the Shrewsbury by-pass. Trans Shropshire Archaeol and Histor Soc, 1994, 69, 97-98.
124- J Price and S Cottam, « Glass ». In S Cracknell & C Mahaney, Roman Alcester: southern extramural area. Council for British Archaeology Research Report 97, 1994, 224-229.
123- H E M Cool and J Price, « The glass vessels ». In P Booth, A Roman burial near Welford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. Trans Birmingham & Warwickshire Archaeol Soc 98, 1994, 45-7.
122- J Price, « Glass – Roman ». In R J Zeepvat et al, Caldecotte, Milton Keynes – excavation & fieldwork, 1966-91. Buckinghamshire Archaeol Soc Monograph Series no 9, 1994, 133-6.
121- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In V Evison, An Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Great Chesterford, Essex. Council for British Archaeology Research Report no 91, 1994, 87-9.
120- Price J and H E M Cool, « Glass vessels from the Butt Road, St John’s Abbey and Maldon Road cemeteries ». In N Crummy et al, Excavations of Roman and later cemeteries, churches and monastic sites in Colchester. Colchester Archaeological Report no 9, 1993, 25, 50-1, 152-4, 213, 243-4.
119- Price J and H E M Cool, « Chapter 5: Small finds (glass beads, finger rings, counters, window glass) », « Chapter 6: Vessel Glass ». In M J Darling with D Gurney, Caister on Sea, excavations by Charles Green, 1951-55, East Anglian Archaeol Report No 60, Field Archaeol Division, Norfolk Museums Service, Dereham, 80-1, 87, 99, 109, 1993, 141-52, and mf.
118- H E M Cool and J Price, « Chapter 6.9 Roman Glass, Appendix 9: Roman Glass ». In P J Woodward, S M Davies, A H Graham Excavations at the Old Methodist Chapel and Greyhound Yard, Dorchester, 1981-1984. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph Series No 12; 150-167, 1993, mf 3, A2-V12.
116- J Price, Review of British Museum Guides to Interpreting the Past a. J Ogden, “Ancient Jewellery”; b. K Greene, Roman Pottery. Archaeological Journal 150, 1993, 516-517.
117- H E M Cool and J Price, « Report on the Roman and Medieval glass from Chichester sites ». In A. Down and J. Magilton, Chichester Excavations VIII, Chichester, Chichester District Council, 1993, 171-181.
115- J Price, « Vessel glass from the Neronian military fortress at Usk in South Wales », Annales du 12 e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, (Vienna, 1991), 1993, 67-77.
114- J Price, « The glass ». In M J Dearne ed., Navio: the fort and vicus at Brough on Noe, Derbyshire. BAR British series 234, 1993, 52-6, 121-123, 129.
113- J Price, vThe Romano-British glass ». In K Blockley et al, Excavations on the Roman fort at Abergavenny, Orchard site, 1972-73. Archaeological Journal 150, 1993, 215-20 + mf.
112- J Price, « Window glass, Vessel glass ». In A Woodward and P Leach, The Uley Shrines. Excavation of a ritual complex on West Hill, Uley, Gloucestershire 1977-79. English Heritage Archaeological Report No 17, 1993, 189-92, 210-215.
111- J Evans and J Price, « Healam Bridge – fieldwalking finds ». Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Roman Antiquities Section Bulletin 9, 1992, 15.
110- D Charlesworth and J Price, « The glass finds in the 1958 excavations ». In B Heywood and A G Marvell, Excavations at Neath, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 39, 1992, 196-199.
109- J Price, « The Anglo-Saxon vessel fragment ». In C Scull, Excavation & survey at Watchfield, Oxfordshire. Archaeological Journal 149, 1992, 214, 240-1.
108- J Price, « The Roman and Dark Age glass ». In P Rahtz et al, Cadbury-Congresbury 1968-75, A late post-Roman hilltop settlement in Somerset British Archaeological Reports British Series 223, 1992, 131-144.
107- J Price, « Chapter 14: Glass vessels and other objects ». In L H Sackett, Knossos from Greek City to Roman Colony. Excavations at the Unexplored Mansion, II. British School of Archaeology at Athens Supplementary Volume 21, 1992, 415-462.
106- H E M Cool and J Price, « Chapter 20, The Roman vessel and window glass ». In M R McCarthy, Roman waterlogged remains at Castle Street, Carlisle, excavations 1981-2 Cumberland & Westmorland Antiq & Archaeol Soc Research Series 5, 1991, 165-176 + mf 2/165-2/176.
105- J Price and H E M Cool, « The evidence for the production of glass in Roman Britain ». In D Foy and G Sennequier eds., Ateliers de Verriers de l’Antiquité à la période pré-industrielle, Association Française pour l’Archéologie du Verre, Rouen, 1991, 23-30.
104- J Price, Review of J C Coulston and E J Phillips, “CSIR: Gt Britain Vol I fasc 6. Hadrian’s Wall West of the North Tyne (1989)”. Northern History 27, 1991, 277-279.
103- J Price, « Glass». In B Rawes, A Prehistoric & Romano-British settlement at Vineyards Farm, Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire. Trans Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeol Soc 109, 1991, 70-73.
102- J Price, « Roman glass». In H Quinnell, The villa and temple at Cosgrove, Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Archaeology 23, 1991, 31-34.
101- J Price, « Glass ». In T Wilmott Excavations in the Middle Walbrook Valley, London, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper no. 13, 1991, 153-167.
100- J Price, « Decorated mould-blown glass tablewares in the first century AD ». In M Newby & K Painter (eds) Roman Glass: Two Centuries of Art and Invention, Society of Antiquaries of London Occasional Papers 13, 1991, 56-75.
99- J Price, Review of C Hayfield, “Archaeological Survey of the parish of Wharram Percy, East Yorkshire. 1: the evolution of the Roman landscape” (1987). Northern History 26, 1990, 235-236.
98- J Price, « A fragment of painted glass from Catterick. Yorkshire Archaeological Society; Roman Antiquities Section Bulletin 7; 1990, 29-31.
97- J Price, « Two pieces of Roman glass from Catterick in North Yorkshire. Antiquaries Journal 70, 1990, 452-456.
96- J Price, « Part 2.9: the glass. In S Wrathmell & A Nicholson, Dalton Parlours. Iron Age settlement & Roman villa. Yorkshire Archaeology Series no 3; 1990, 99-105.
95- J Price, « Chapter 15; Roman vessel and window glass ». In M R McCarthy A Roman, Anglian and medieval site at Blackfriars Street, Carlisle, Cumberland & Westmorland Research Series Monograph 4, 1990, 163-179 + mf 2/64-2/80.
94- J Price, « A survey of the Hellenistic and early Roman vessel glass found on the Unexplored Mansion site at Knossos in Crete ». Annales du 11 me Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (Basel 1988), 1990, 27-36.
93- J Price, « Appendix 1. The glass head from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene ». In D White ed., The extra-mural sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Report IV, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania Monograph 67, 1990, 102-103.
92- J Price and H E M Cool, « The Romano-British Glass Project », The Glass Cone 21; 1989, 3-5.
91- J Price and H E M Cool, « Report on the Roman glass found at the Cattlemarket, County Hall and East Pallant House sites ». In A Down, Chichester Excavations VI; 1989, 132-42.
90- H E M Cool and J Price, « Chapter 3: the Finds, The glass vessels». In J Britnell, Caersws vicus, Powys: excavations at the Old Primary School 1985-6, Oxford, BAR British Series 205, 1989, 31-43.
89- J Price, « Glass ». 132-3. In M G Jarrett & D H Evans, Excavation of two palisaded enclosures at West Whelpington. Archaeologia Aeliana (5th series) 17; 1989, 117-39.
88- J Price, « The glass ». In T J O’Leary, Pentre Farm, Flint, 1976-81 – an official building in the Roman lead mining district. Oxford, BAR British series 207, 1989, 77-80.
87- J Price, « Glass from the Roman settlement; glass objects from the Iron Age cemetery ». In I M Stead & V Rigby, Verulamium: the King Harry Lane site, London; English Heritage Archaeological Report no 12, 1989, 40-50; 108-9.
86- J Price, « Chapter 17; The Glass ». In S S Frere & J J Wilkes, Strageath: excavations within the Roman Fort 1973-86, London Society for Promotion of Roman Studies, Britannia Monograph Series no 9, 1989, 192-203.
85- J Price and P R Wilson (editors), Recent Research in Roman Yorkshire; studies in honour of Mary Kitson Clark (Mrs Derwas Chitty), Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, British Series, 1988, no 193.
84- J Price and H E M Cool, « The glass », In T W Potter and S D Trow, Puckeridge-Braughing, Hertfordshire: the Ermine Street excavations, 1971-72. Hertfordshire Archaeology 10, 1988, 79-84.
83- H E M Cool and J Price, « Glass»,. In M J Darling & M J Jones, Early settlement at Lincoln, Britannia 19, 1988, p. 42-3.
82- J Price, « The Constable-Maxwell cameo glass skyphos. Sotheby’s Art at Auction 1987-8. London, Sotheby’s Publication; 282-283 [also in Sotheby’s Preview 75 (Oct/Nov 1987) and Sotheby’s Ancient Glass Sale Catalogue, Nov 1987], 1988.
81- J Price, « The glass fragments from the Lower Ward»,. In S Hartgroves and R Walker, Excavations in the Lower Ward, Tintagel Castle 1986. Cornish Studies 16, 1988, p. 25-26.
80- J Price, « The Roman glass from Lancaster»,. In G B D Jones and D A Shotter, Roman Lancaster: rescue archaeology in an historic city, 1970-75. Manchester, Dept of Archaeology, univ of Manchester, 1988, p. 153-154.
79- J Price, « Chapter 19; Romano-British glass bangles from eastern Yorkshire»,. In J Price & P R Wilson (eds.) Recent Research in Roman Yorkshire; studies in honour of Mary Kitson Clark (Mrs Derwas Chitty), Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, British Series no 193, 1988, p. 339-366.
78- J Price, « The Aiguières and Argentière sites at Fréjus (Forum Julii) », II eme Journées d’Etude de l’Association Francaise pour l’Archeologie du Verre (Rouen 1987), Rouen, 1988, 24-39.
77- J Price, « An Egyptian terracotta group showing Eros beside a glass furnace», Antiquaries Journal 68 pt ii, 317-9, 1988, p. 327.
76- J Price Review of E Welker, “Die römischen Gläser von Nida-Heddernheim vol. II (1985)”. Antiquaries Journal 67, 1988, p. 413.
75- J Price, Review of D Barag, “Catalogue of Western Asiatic Glass in the in the British Museum” (1985). Archaeological Journal 144, 1987, p. 471-473.
74- J Price and H E M Cool, « The Roman glass», 92-99. In P Ellis, Sea Mills, Bristol: the 1965-1968 excavations in the Roman town of Abonae». Trans Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeol Soc, 105; 1987, 15-108.
73- H E M Cool and J Price, Chapter III, “The Other Finds: The Glass.” In G W Meates, The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent, Volume II: The Wall Paintings and Finds, Maidstone, Kent Archaeological Society, 1987, p. 110-142.
72- D Charlesworth and J Price, « The Roman glass». In C S Green, Excavations at Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, 1966-1982. Dorchester, Dorset Nat Hist & Archaeol Soc Monograph Series no 7; 1987, 108-109 + mf 2:E11-14, F1-4.
71- D Charlesworth and J Price , « Part IIIC: The Roman and Saxon Glass”. In S Frere, P Bennett & S Stow, Canterbury Excavations: Intra- and Extra-Mural Sites, 1949-55 & 1980-84, Archaeology of Canterbury Volume 8, 1987, p. 220-231.
70- J Price, «A mosaic pavement in the gardens of the Manor House at Aldborough, North Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeol Soc; Roman Antiquities Section Bulletin 4, 1987, p. 34-35.
69- J Price, « Chapter VIII.F The Roman glass bangle. In J G Hurst and PA Rahtz eds., Wharram. A study of settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds. Volume III: Wharram percy; the Church of St Martin. Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph Series no 11, 1987, 170 + mf 6.D13.
68- J Price, « Objects of glass ». In D H Heslop, The excavation of an Iron Age settlement at Thorpe Thewles, Cleveland, 1980-1982. Council for British Archaeology Research Report 65, 1987, p. 82-84.
67- J Price, « Glass ». In D C Mynard, Roman Milton Keynes: excavations & fieldwork, 1971-82. Buckinghamshire Archaeol Soc Monograph Series no 1, 1987, p. 147-157.
66- J Price, « The Roman Glass ». In S Frere, Brandon Camp, Herefordshire, Britannia 18, 1987, p. 71-6.
65- J Price, « Early Imperial mould-blown glass: circus cups, some problems of production, dating and distribution (abstract) ». American Journal of Archaeology 91, 1987, p. 315-316.
64- J Price, « Glass from Felmongers, Harlow, in Essex: a dated deposit of vessel glass found in an Antonine pit », Annales du 10 e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (Madrid, 1985), 1987, p. 185-206.
63- J Price, « Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial cast vessel glass in Spain », Annales du 10 e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (Madrid, 1985), 1987, p. 61-80.
62- J Price, « Glass production in southern Iberia in the first and second centuries AD: a survey of the archaeological evidence », Journal of Glass Studies 29, 1987, p. 30-39.
61- J Price and H E M Cool, « Glass from the villa and bath-house at Little Oulsham Drive, Feltwell; from Leylands Farm, Hockwold-cum-Wilton; from a salt production site at Denver. In Settlement Religion and Industry on the Roman Fen-Edge, Norfolk ». East Anglian Archaeology 3, 1986, p. 23, 38, 72-73, 110.
60- J Price and H E M Cool, « Glass ». In D Gurney, A Romano-Celtic Temple at Caistor St Edmund. East Anglian Archaeology 30, 1986, p. 47.
59- J Price and H E M Cool, « Roman glass ». In H R Hurst & L Pitts, Gloucester. the Roman and Later Defences. Gloucester Archaeological Reports 2, 1986, p 46-54.
58- J Price, Chapter 4: Window glass, Vessels of glass. In D Miles ed., Archaeology at Barton Court Farm, Abingdon, Oxon. CBA Research Report no 50, mf 5:C11& 6:A7-14
57- J Price, « Roman glass ». In P Rahtz et al, Two Roman villas at Wharram-le-Street. York University Archaeological Publications no 2, 1986 ; sections 12-18 & 26.12.
56- J Price, « The glass jug from Burial 5 ». In I M Stead & V Rigby, Baldock: the excavation of a Roman & pre-Roman settlement, 1968-72. Britannia Monograph Series no 7, 1986, p. 61-3.
55- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In S Bryant, M Morris, J S F Walker eds, Roman Manchester- a frontier settlement. Greater Manchester Archaeol Unit;, 1986, p 70-72
54- J Price, « The Roman vessel glass from a late Iron Age trading settlement and Romano-British BB1 Pottery production site at Ower, Dorset », in P J Woodward, Romano-British Industries in Purbeck. Dorset Nat Hist & Archaeol Soc Monograph Series 6, 1986, p 101-4.
53- J Price and H E M Cool, « Chapter 2; Glass (including glass from 72 Dean’s Way). » In H R Hurst, Kingsholm, Gloucester Archaeological Reports 1, 1985, p. 41-54.
52- J Price, « The fragments of painted glass », in M Fulford Guide to the Silchester Collections: the Forum-Basilica, 1982-84. University of Reading, 1985, p. 23-4.
51- J Price, « The Roman glass », in J Bennett, Sea Mills – the Roman town of Abonae: excavations at Nazareth House, 1972. Bristol City Museum & Art Gallery Monograph 3, 1985, p.51-53.
50- J Price, « Chapter 16: The Glass ». In P T Bidwell, The Roman Fort of Vindolanda, London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission (England), Archeological Report no. 1, 1985, p. 206-214.
49- J Price, « Chapter 30: The Roman Glass ». In L Pitts and J K St Joseph, Inchtuthil: the Roman Legionary Fortress. Britannia Monograph Series no. 6, 1985, p. 303-312.
48- J Price, « Two pieces of polychrome mosaic glass tableware from Roman Britain ». Antiquaries Journal 65 part ii, 1985, p. 468-471.
47- J Price, « Early Roman Vessel Glass from Burials in Tripolitania: a Study of Finds from Forte della Vite and other sites now in the National Museum of Antiquities in Tripoli ». In D J Buck & D J Mattingly, Town and Country in Roman Tripolitania, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, International series no. S274 (Society for Libyan Studies Occasional Papers no. 2), 1985, p. 67-106.
46- J Price, « Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial Vessel Glass at Berenice: a Survey of the Imported Tablewares found at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi ». In G Barker, J Lloyd & J Reynolds, Society and Economy in Classical Cyrenaica, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, International series no. S236 (Society for Libyan Studies Occasional Papers no. 1), 1985, p. 287-296.
45- J Price, « Glass ». In P M Carlyon, A Romano-British site at Kilhallon, Tywardreath: excavation in 1975. Cornish Archaeology 21, 1984, p. 163-4.
44- J Price, « Roman glass found in northern Britain ». Yorkshire Archaeological Society; Roman Antiquities Section Bulletin 2, 1984, p. 15-17.
43- J Price, « The Glass ». In D H Heslop, Initial excavations at Ingleby Barwick, Cleveland. Durham Archaeological Journal 1, 1984, p., 33.
42- J Price, « Roman glass ». In M Farley, A six-hundred metre long trench through Caerwent, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 21, 1984, p. 243-46.
42- J Price, « Roman glass ». In M Farley, A six-hundred metre long trench through Caerwent, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 21, 1984, p. 243-46.
41- J Price, « The Roman glass fragments ». In P Ellis Catsgore 1979. Western Archaeological Trust Monograph 7, 1984, p. 30-32.
40- J Price, « The objects of glass ». In M Fulford Silchester Defences, 1974-80 Britannia Monograph Series no 5, 1984, p. 116-8
39- J Price, « The glass ». In J S Dent, J A Lloyd & J A Riley, Some Hellenistic and Early Roman Tombs from Benghazi, Libya Antiqua 13/14, 1976/77, 1984, p. 197-99.
38- J Price and H E M Cool, « Glass from the excavations of 1974-1976 ». In A E Brown & C Woodfield, Excavations at Towcester, Northamptonshire: the Alchester Road Suburb, Northamptonshire Archaeology 18, 1983, p. 115-124
37- J Price, Review of D B Harden, «Catalogue of Greek and Roman Glass in the British Museum, I: core- and rod-formed vessels and pendants and Mycenean cast objects» (1981). Journal of Hellenic Studies 103, 1983, p. 224.
36- J Price, « The Roman vessel glass, Roman glass objects ». In C Heighway The East and North Gates of Gloucester. Western Archaeological Trust Monograph 5, 1983, p. 168-70, 186, 199.
35- J Price, « Chapter 10: Glass ». In M Henig, A Handbook of Roman Art, Oxford, Phaidon, 1983, p. 205-219.
34- M Ehrenberg, J Price, V Vale, « The excavation of two Bronze Age round barrows at Welsh St Donats, South Glamorgan ». Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 29, 1982, p. 776-842.
33- J Price, « The square ja r». In P Booth, A Romano-British burial from Mancetter. Trans Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeol Soc 92, 1982, p. 134.
32- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In P Leach Ilchester Excavations, 1974-5. Volume I. Western Archaeological Trust Excavation Monograph 3, 1982 p. 227-32.
31- J Price, « Glass ». In A E Brown & J Alexander, Excavations at Towcester 1954: the Grammar School site, Northamptonshire Archaeology 17, 1982, p. 53-4.
30- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In G Webster & L Smith, The Excavation of a Romano-British Rural Establishment at Barnsley Park, Gloucestershire, 1961-1979: Part 2, c AD 360-400+ », Trans Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 100, 1982, p. 174-85.
29- A J Parker and J Price, « Spanish exports of the Claudian period: the significance of the Port Vendres II wreck considered ». International Journal of Nautical Archaeology & Underwater Exploration 10, 1981, p. 221-228.
28- J Price, « Note on a fragment of glass bowl ». In D M Jones, Excavations at Billingsgate Buildings, Lower Thames Street, London, 1974. London and Middx Archaeol Soc Special Paper no 4, 1981, p. 86.
27- J Price, « The Glass ». In B Rawes, The Romano-British site at Brockworth, Gloucestershire, Britannia 12, 1981, 69-72.
26- J Price, « Chapter 10: The Glass, in M G Jarrett & S Wrathmell, Whitton: an Iron Age and Roman Farmstead in South Glamorgan, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1981, p. 149-162.
25- J Price, « Roman glass, other than British ». In J Philippe, A Morley & J Beguin eds., Glass in the British Isles, Liege, Bulletin de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre 8, 1980, p.43-51.
24- J Price, « Roman glass from 1 Westgate Street, Gloucester ». In C Heighway and P Garrod, Excavations at nos. 1 and 30 Westgate Street, Gloucester: the Roman levels. Britannia 11, 1980, p. 110-113.
23- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In G Lambrick, Excavations in Park Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire Archaeology 15, 1980, p. 63-69.
22- J Price, « The glass. In H S Gracie & E G Price, Frocester Court Roman Villa: 2nd Report, Trans Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 97, 1979, p. 37-46.
21- J Price, « Glass at Great Bulmore, near Caerleon ». In G C Boon, Monographs and Collections I:Roman Sites. Cardiff, Cambrian Archaeol Association, 1978, p. 32.
20- J Price, « The glass flask from Milland ». In J Collis Winchester Excavations Vol 2, 1949-60 Winchester City Museum, 1978, p. 102.
19- J Price, « Trade in Glass ». In J du Plat Taylor & H Cleere eds., Roman Shipping and Trade: Britain and the Rhine Provinces, London, Council for British Archaeology Research Report no. 24, 1978, p. 70-78.
18- J Price, « The glass ». In C Saunders & A B Havercroft, A kiln of the potter OASTRIVS and related excavations at Little Munden Farm, Brickett Wood, Hertfordshire Archaeology 5, 1978, p. 149-52.
17- J Price, Review of E Welker, Die römischen Gläser von Nida-Heddernheim (1974). Britannia 8, 1977, p. 485-486..
16- J Price, « Glass vessels ». In H Miles, The Honeyditches Roman villa, Seaston, Devon. Britannia 8, 1977, p. 138.
15- J Price, « The Roman glass ». In Anne Gentry et al, Excavations at Lincoln Road, London Borough of Enfield, 1974-76, Trans London & Middlesex Archaeol Soc, 28, 1977, p. 154-61.
14- J Price, « Roman unguent bottles from Rio Tinto (Huelva) », in Spain. Journal of Glass Studies 19, 1977, p. 30-39.
13- J Price, Review of “Journal of Glass Studies volume XV” (1973). Journal of British Archaeological Association 129, 1976, p. 109-110.
12- J Price, « Chapter 9: Glass ». In D Strong & D Brown eds, Roman Crafts. London, Duckworths,1976, p. 111-126.
11- J Lang and J Price, « Iron tubes from a late Roman glassmaking site at Mérida (Badajoz) » in Spain » Journal of Archaeological Science 2, 1975, p. 289-296.
10- J Price, « The Glass ». In M J Green, The Bradwell Roman Villa; 1st Interim Report Milton Keynes Development Corporation, Occasional Papers in Archaeology, 1, 1975, p. 12-16.
9- J Price, « The glass vessels from the cremation groups ». In A E Johnson. Excavations at Bourton Gardens, Thornborough, 1972-3, Records of Bucks 22, 1975, p. 18-22.
8- J Price, « Glass ». In M G Jarrett Maryport, Cumbria: a Roman Fort and its Garrison Cumberland & Westmorland Antiq & Archaeol Soc Extra Series, Vol 22, 1975, p. 49-54.
7- J. Price, Review of C Isings, “Roman glass in Limburg” (1971). Journal of Roman Studies 64, 1974, p. 252-253.
6- J. Price, « The Glass ». In G B D Jones & S Grealey Roman Manchester. Manchester Excavation Committee, 1974, p. 131-134.
5- J. Price, « A mould-blown negro-head glass beaker from London ». Antiquaries Journal 54, 1974, part ii, p. 291-292.
4- J. Price, « Some Roman Glass from Spain ». Annales du 6e Congrès de L’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (Köln 1973), 1974, p. 65-84.
3- J. Price, Review of M C Calvi, “I vetri romani del Museo di Aquileia” (1968). Journal of Roman Studies 62, 1972, p. 204-5.
2- D. B. Harden and J. Price, « The Glass ». In B W Cunliffe Excavations at Fishbourne 1961-1969; Vol 2; the Finds, Society of Antiquaries of London Research Report 27, 1971, p. 317-368.
1- J. Price, « Glass ». In M G Jarrett, The deserted village of West Whelpington, Northumberland: 2nd report. Archaeologia Aeliana (4th series) 48, 1970, p. 279-80.